shaun wolfe

marine Debris Technician

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Current Residence: Waimānalo, O’ahu, Hawai’i

Shaun spent his formative years on the west end of Catalina Island where he spent every day creating art and connecting to the land and sea— diving, paddling, and hiking until the sun went down. That connection to place and the desire to protect it drove him to begin a career in marine science. He went on to receive the National Park Service Internship (2017) through Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society and earn his master’s degree (2018) at the Bren School at the UC Santa Barbara where he specialized in science communication and media as well as marine science. Since graduate school, he has largely worked as a filmmaker and photographer, winning awards and working internationally across genres of natural history, commercial/branded content, narrative features, and documentary. You can find his work on Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, and AppleTV. He is excited to go back to his conservation roots and join PMDP in the field this season!