Marine debris Technician
Hometown: Wailua, Kaua’i, Hawai’i
Current Residence: Kailua, O’ahu, Hawai’i
Born and raised on Kaua'i, Cascade has spent the past 10 years living and traveling around the world for school and work. She has spent the months prior to this year’s PMDP field season on Kamole (Laysan Island) doing monk seal research and recovery work with NOAA’s Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program. While on island, she has also been doing land debris work for PMDP. She spends her days trekking contractor bags full of plastics, and pulling 15 ft long ice lines strung with buoys, to boat-accessible pick up points in hopes her efforts catalyst a quick and efficient strike mission for PMDP! In her spare time, Cascade enjoys long walks on the beach (hauling trash), observing wildlife (to write down on a data sheet), and cracking open a cold beverage (of blue Gatorade). Although she is going to miss living on a remote island with only two other people (and her nature-provided alarm clock that look a lot like 'iwa birds), Cascade is excited for the Imua to pick her up from her luxurious beach front property (aka camping tent) and rejoin the crew for another epic season!