Transit Daze
Life in Transit
By Cascade Mayer
August 1st, 2023
Transit days back to Honolulu are bizarre to say the least. Each team member goes about it differently, and there are no right or wrongs of how to do so.
To my right, Namele sits peacefully in a recliner chair, in deep thought per usual. To my left, Ford gets a workout on the stationary bike until Captain Lindsay’s reserved time slot.
In the container, the mechanically inclined spend their time organizing all the tools and supplies. In the galley, the movie crew watches yet another episode of The Sopranos.
Some fight their epic battles with seasickness alone, disappearing below deck for days. Meanwhile the steady few not affected by the ship's rocking can spend hours staring at the black and white pages of their book club novel without even a single gurgle from their iron stomachs.
As for me, I’ve been staring out at the horizon for hours on end, reflecting on the past 30 days. Something about the endless blue views brings out a raw juxtaposition of emotions. On one hand, the built up excitement of seeing loved ones, sleeping in my own bed, and returning to familiarity. On the other, the sadness of an adventure coming to a close and being separated from a team who became family.
Regardless, in all the chaos is a sense of peace along this 1,000 mile journey back home. A transit daze if you will.
Meet the Author
Cascade Mayer