Back Where We Started
A Return to Kamokuokamohoali'i
July 21st, 2022
The sun’s rays edged over the horizon. To the human eye, it’s the meeting place of sky and ocean. Voices are heard echoing to the rising flame. The wind feels familiar, brushing itself against my papa’a skin. I am curious to what the ocean feels from the wind… when you look closely tiny ripples can be distinguished on the ocean surface, which I have learned is another indication to the direction of the wind. This morning the ripples show wind from the east. Simultaneously, the ocean is swelling with life, mounds of water moving in a patterned direction originating from the south. We have returned - to Kamokuokamohoali’i.
Our return was unplanned, but due to weather and unannounced events we will end where we started. Places have a way of calling you back, and it is no coincidence that we are here. For the next four days, we will continue our work of removing as much derelict net as we can striving to reach our goal of 100,000lbs.
Kamokuokamohoali’i and every place we have been on this journey thus far showcases itself, an orchestra of elements interplaying within each other. The wind, the sun, the ocean, all the seen and unseen beings of this place share their gifts with one another creating a harmonious melody where all thrive and live in reciprocity. Each life is feeding one another, a giving and receiving - a sharing.
Kamokuokamohoali’i is a source of wisdom. From the beginning, this place has offered itself as a teaching ground for us to learn and acquaint ourselves to daily operations. He has also been a patient yet stern teacher providing us with lessons in expecting the unexpected and challenges in boat maneuvering between reefs. Furthermore, he has been a parent, guiding and bringing us closer together as a family.
This place has offered its gifts and lessons to us. In return, it has become our responsibility to become apart of the melody, and share our gifts with Kamokuokamohoali’i.